The CAGT features the 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR system from Applied Biosystems for quantitative PCR. This highly flexible system supports both 96 and 384 well plate formats as well as the TLDA (TaqMan Low Density Array) card format.
Information about the 7900HT Information about the TLDA system can be found here
Access and Availability:
Access to the 7900HT is available in 2 hour time blocks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Advance sign-up is required. It is recommended that you sign up at least 48 hours in advance to ensure availability.
New users should contact Jeong-Ah Kwon [jkwon at wi dot mit dot edu] to schedule a training session. Current users who would like to learn how to change between 96 and 384 well plate blocks should also contact Jeong-Ah for training. Please do not attempt to change the blocks unless you have been trained as improper handling can damage the blocks. Jeong-Ah is available during normal business hours for training and consultation.
Due to high demand, access to this equipment is limited to Whitehead Institute users only.
Sign-up policy: • The sign-up sheet is located next to the machine in room 325. • Fill out the ABI 7900 Sign-Up Sheet with your name, PI, phone number, and type of plate (96, 384 or TLDA) • To cancel, please do so 24 hours in advance so that others can use the slot. • Fill out the Usage Log (also located next to the machine) after use.
The following consumables and reagents are available from the CAGT for a fee: • Optical plates (96-well fast, 384-well) • Optical Adhesive Films • TaqMan Universal Master Mix • SYBR Green Master Mix
The analysis software SDS v2.3 is installed on our analysis computer located in room 352. An installation disc is also available if you wish to work on your own computer (Windows only).