RNA Extraction
We are pleased to offer two methods of RNA extraction. Both methods retain total RNA, including small RNAs.
Qiagen miRNeasy
For most low- to medium-throughput experiments, we recommend the column-based Qiagen miRNeasy.
This kit purifies RNA from up to 5 mg tissue, or cells (up to 1 x 106 cells).
Samples should be provided to the Genome Core frozen in exactly 700 ul of Qiazol (please reach out to us, we can supply this), or Trizol. Please do not use >700 ul of Qiazol.
MagMAX mirVana
For high throughput projects, we recommend the 96-well, plate-based MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit from Thermo Fisher.
This kit purifies RNA from 10-30 mg of tissue or 1 × 106 cells.
Samples should be provided to the Genome Core frozen in the MagMax Processing Plate in MagMax Lysis Binding Mix (please reach out to us, we can supply these), according to your project’s unique specifications. We will work with you to make sure that you have all of the information and supplies.
MagMAX mirVana
FThe Direct-zol™-96 MagBead RNA kit provides a high-throughput (96-well), magnetic bead-based isolation of high-quality RNA directly from samples in TRI Reagent® and similar. Total RNA including small/microRNAs (≥17 nt) are effectively isolated from a variety of sample sources (cells, tissues, biological liquids, etc.). No phase separation, precipitation, or post-purification steps are necessary. The result is broad range purification of small and large RNAs.
Samples (up to 10^6 cells or 2-5 mg of tissue, depending on tissue type) should be provided to the Genome Core frozen in 300-500 ul of Trizol. Please do not use less than 300 ul of Trizol.