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= Illumina Sequencing =
= Sequencing =
There are two options for Illumina sequencing. HiSeq "Standard" and HiSeq "Rapid".
There are three options for Illumina sequencing. NovaSeq and MiSeq.
In Standard mode (a.k.a. "High Output" mode) the HiSeq typically yields 120-150 million reads per lane. Standard mode require 7 full lanes of samples before sequencing can proceed and takes about 1 day for every 25 bases of read length. Note: You do not need to fill out a full flow cell yourself, we will group you with other samples to fill out a run.  
Prices include basic data processing including base calls, quality scores and alignment (if requested).  
In "Rapid" mode, individual samples can be sequenced much more quickly without the need to fill out full flow cells. Read lengths in Rapid mode are also longer, up to 250x250 and can be completed in a day or two compared to up to 10 days in standard mode.
Please visit the [http://gtc.wi.mit.edu/genomecorewiki/index.php/Sequencing Sequencing Services] page for sample submission instructions and more information about library prep services.
Prices include basic data processing including base calls, quality scores and alignment. Sequencing pricing for HiSeq in standard mode are based on 7 samples per flow-cell plus a control lane.
== Short Read (Single lane submissions accepted for standard read lengths) ==
Please visit the [http://jura.wi.mit.edu/genomecorewiki/index.php/Sequencing Sequencing Services] page for sample submission instructions and more information about library prep services.
=== Illumina NovaSeq ===
=== HiSeq (Std) ===
{| style="text-align: center; width:1000px; font-size:120%; border:3px dashed red;" border="1" align="center"
| Item || Read Length || Unit || Price Per Unit || Notes
| 100 Single End or 50x50 Paired-End
|rowspan="4"| 1 lane
|rowspan="4"|~650–800 million reads per flowcell <br>~325-400 million reads per lane <br>(x2 for Paired-End)  
| 200 Single End or 100x100 Paired-End
| 300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End
| 500 Single End or 250x250 Paired-End
| 100 Single End or 50x50 Paired-End
|rowspan="3"|1 lane
|rowspan="3"|~1.3–1.6 billion reads per flowcell <br> ~650–800 million reads per lane <br> (x2 for Paired-End)
| 200 Single End or 100x100 Paired-End
| 300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End
| 100 Single End or 50x50 Paired-End
|rowspan="3"|1 lane
|rowspan="3"|~3.3–4.1 billion reads per flowcell <br> ~1.65-2.05 billion reads per lane <br> (x2 for Paired-End)
| 200 Single End or 100x100 Paired-End
| 300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End
| 50 Single End
|rowspan="2"|1 lane
|rowspan="2"|~8-10 billion reads per flowcell <br> ~2-2.5 billion reads per lane <br> (x2 for Paired-End)
| 300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End
=== Element AVITI ===
{{PricingRow|HiSeq - 40 bp Single Read|Lane|$1,140|avg 120-150 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|150 Single End or 75x75 Paired End|Lane|$1,000| 400 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeq - 40x40 Paired End|Lane|$1,710|avg 120-150 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingRow|300 Single End or 150x150 Paired End|Lane|$1,375| 400 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeq - 75x75 Paired End|Lane|$2,260|avg 120-150 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingLastRow|300x300 Paired End|Flowcell|$3,500| 300 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeq - 100x100 Paired End|Lane|$2,700|avg 120-150 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeq - Additional 40 bases|Lane|$330|Add to above base prices for longer reads}}
=== HiSeq (Rapid) ===
=== Illumina MiSeq ===
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 50 bp Single Read|full flowcell (2 lanes)|$1,680|avg ~160-200 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|MiSeq v2 70 Single End or 30x30 Paired End|Flowcell|$1,320| 10 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 40 bp Single Read|1 lane|$1,140|avg ~80-100 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|MiSeq v3 150 Single End or 75x75 Paired End|Flowcell|$1,430| 20 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 50x50 Paired End|full flowcell (2 lanes)|$2,500|avg ~160-200 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingRow|MiSeq v2 300 Single End or 150x150 Paired End|Flowcell|$1,595| 10 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 50x50 Paired End|1 lane|$1,500|avg ~80-100 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingRow|MiSeq v2 500 Single End or 250x250 Paired End|Flowcell|$1,760| 10 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 100x100 Paired End|full flowcell (2 lanes)|$3,250|avg ~160-200 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingLastRow|MiSeq v3 600 Single End or 300x300 Paired End|Flowcell|$2,200| 20 million reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 100x100 Paired End|1 lane|$1,850|avg ~80-100 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - 250x250 Paired End|full flowcell (2 lanes)|$5,550|avg ~160-200 million paired end reads}}
{{PricingRow| | | | }}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - Add DUAL mode|full flowcell (2 lanes)|$450| ONLY required if running different samples in each lane}}
{{PricingRow| | | | }}
{{PricingRow|HiSeqRapid - Additional 50 bases|full flowcell (2 lanes)|$500|Add to above base prices for longer reads up to 250x250}}
=== Library Prep ===
== Long Read ==
=== Nanopore (P2 Solo/promethION) ===
{{PricingRow|TruSeq ChIP DNA|Sample|$200|}}
{{PricingLastRow|Nanopore|Flowcell|$1200| Upto 50 to 70GB data per flow cell}}
{{PricingRow|Swift ChIP DNA|Sample|$200|Optimized for low input ChIP}}
{{PricingRow|TruSeq Nano gDNA|Sample|$200|Genomic DNA >100ng}}
{{PricingRow|TruSeq Stranded mRNA|Sample|$200|Basic RNA Expression Analysis}}
{{PricingRow|TruSeq Stranded RiboZero|Sample|$250|Replaces polyA selection with a ribozomal RNA depletion}}
{{PricingRow|Clontech UltraLow RNA|Sample|$400|For low input RNA down to single cell}}
{{PricingRow|Nextera genomic DNA|Sample|$200|"Tagmentation" prep from intact gDNA (50ng)}}
{{PricingRow|Sample Multiplexing|Sample|$10|Mixing samples for multiplex run}}
{{PricingLastRow|Quality Control Only|Sample|$40|Bioanalyzer and qPCR}}
=== Quality Control ===
=== Pacbio ===
{{PricingRow|Bioanalyzer|Sample|$15|Sizing and purity analysis}}
{{PricingLastRow|Pacbio SMRTCell 25 Million|Run|$2900|Around 6 million reads, outsourcing to sister facilities to enable access to the REVIO}}
{{PricingLastRow|Sample Multiplexing|Sample|$10|Mixing samples for multiplex run}}
= Microarray Services =
= RNA Library Prep =
=== Standard (Manual) ===
{{PricingRow|IDT xGen RNA, Std or Rapid (formerly Swift), samples 1-12|Sample|$200|}}
{{PricingRow|IDT xGen RNA, Std or Rapid (formerly Swift), samples 13+|Sample|$150|}}
{{PricingRow|Watchmaker QiaSeq FastSelect Ribodepletion, samples 1-12|Sample|$200|}}
{{PricingRow|Watchmaker QiaSeq FastSelect Ribodepletion, samples 13+|Sample|$150|}}
{{PricingRow|Watchmaker mRNA, samples 1-12|Sample|$150|}}
{{PricingRow|Watchmaker mRNA, samples 13+|Sample|$100|}}
{{PricingRow|Agilent SureSelect All Exon|Sample|$650|}}
{{PricingLastRow|NEBNext Small RNA|Sample|$200|}}
Prices for sample processing do not include cost of arrays
== Affymetrix Array Processing==
=== Low Input (Manual) ===
{{PricingRow|Full Service Expression Analysis - 3'IVT or WT |Sample|$325|Not including cost of Array}}
{{PricingLastRow|Clontech SMARTer UltraLow RNA w/ NexteraXT|Sample|$300|}}
{{PricingLastRow|Contact GTC or Affymetrix for array prices |Array|$150-$400|Array only}}
=== Highthroughput (96 well Plate Based) ===
{| style="text-align: center; width:1000px; font-size:120%; border:3px dashed red;" border="1" align="center"
| Item || Unit || Price Per Unit || Notes
|rowspan="3"|HT mRNA library prep (IDT xGen RNA)
| 48 Samples
|rowspan="3" width=50%| Samples should be pre-aliquoted (in Eppendorf twin.tec semi-skirted 96 well plate), normalized (100 and 500 ng total), in a volume of 50 ul.
Intake QC or quantification only by special arrangement at an additional charge. please inquire if needed.
Libraries are pooled by FA quantification, expect variation in read balancing. 
| 49-72 samples
| 96 samples
== Agilent Array Processing==
= Single Cell (10X and others) =
{{PricingRow|Full Service Expression Analysis (Single Channel)|Sample|$325|Not including cost of array}}
{{PricingRow|10X Single Cell 3’ GEX|sample|$2560|}}
{{PricingRow|Full Service Expression Analysis (Two Samples - Dual Channel)|Two Samples|$525|Not including cost of array}}
{{PricingRow|10X Single Cell 5’ GEX|sample|$2560|}}
{{PricingLastRow|Contact GTC or Agilent for Array pricing|Array|$$|}}
{{PricingRow|10X VDJ Add-on|sample|$230|Can be added onto the 10X 5' GEX Only}}
{{PricingRow|10X CRISPR Add-on|sample|$280|Can be added onto the 10X 5' GEX Only}}
{{PricingRow|10X Antibody/CellPlex/MultiSeq Add-on|sample|$140|}}
{{PricingRow|10X Multiome Assay (ATAC + 3')|sample|$4200|}}
{{PricingRow|10X Flex (Fixed Cell)|sample|$2800|Human and Mouse Only}}
{{PricingRow|Plexwell Rapid Single Cell - one 96 well plate|96 well plate|$5060|1 cell per well}}
{{PricingLastRow|Plexwell Rapid Single Cell - 1 of 4 96 well plates|96 well plate|$3800|1 cell per well}}
= DNA Library Prep =
{{PricingRow|Nextera gDNA (Genomic, ATAC-Seq)|sample|$200|"Tagmentation" prep from intact gDNA (50ng)}}
{{PricingLastRow|Illumina DNA Prep (Genomic)|sample|$200|Genomic DNA >100ng}}
= nCounter Analysis System (NanoString) =
= RNA Isolation =
{{PricingRow|Equipment Use|Cartridge|$250|12 samples per cartridge}}
{{PricingRow|[http://genomecore.wi.mit.edu/index.php/rnaextraction RNA-miRNeasy Total RNA Isolation]|sample|$100|}}
{{PricingRow|Reagents|Cartridge|$280.50*|*Does NOT include CodeSet}}
{{PricingRow|[http://genomecore.wi.mit.edu/index.php/rnaextraction RNA - MagMax mirVana RNA Isolation]|sample|$30|}}
{{PricingLastRow|[http://genomecore.wi.mit.edu/index.php/rnaextraction RNA - Direct-zol™-96 MagBead RNA Isolation]|sample|$30|}}
= Quality Control =
{{PricingRow|Bioanalyzer/Fragment Analyzer|1 to 20 Samples|$15|Sizing and purity analysis}}
{{PricingRow|Fragment Analyzer (half 96 well plate)|20 to 48 Samples|$300|Sizing and purity analysis}}
{{PricingRow|Fragment Analyzer (Full 96 well plate)|49+ Samples|$500|Sizing and purity analysis}}
{{PricingLastRow|Sample Multiplexing|Sample|$10|Mixing samples for multiplex run}}
= Bioanalyzer - RNA, DNA and Protein analysis =
= Bioanalyzer - RNA, DNA and Protein analysis =
Line 100: Line 198:
{{PricingRow|SYBR green / Taq Man Master mix|uL|7 cents|-}}
{{PricingRow|SYBR green / Taq Man Master mix|uL|7 cents|-}}
{{PricingRow|Optical Plate|Plate|$7.00|-}}
{{PricingRow|Optical Plate|Plate|$7|-}}
{{PricingLastRow|Equipment Time (2 hour time block)|Plate|$30.00|Sign-up Required}}
{{PricingLastRow|Equipment Time (2 hour time block)|Plate|$50|Sign-up Required}}
= Digital PCR =
{{PricingLastRow|Equipment Time (2 hour time block)|Plate|$50|Sign-up Required}}

Latest revision as of 12:31, 28 October 2024

Prices quoted are for Whitehead Institute/MIT only. In order to cover additional costs associated with providing outside service, non-WI/MIT institutions should add 30% to the list price.


There are three options for Illumina sequencing. NovaSeq and MiSeq.

Prices include basic data processing including base calls, quality scores and alignment (if requested).

Please visit the Sequencing Services page for sample submission instructions and more information about library prep services.

Short Read (Single lane submissions accepted for standard read lengths)

Illumina NovaSeq

Item Read Length Unit Price Per Unit Notes
NovaSeqSP 100 Single End or 50x50 Paired-End 1 lane $1,850 ~650–800 million reads per flowcell
~325-400 million reads per lane
(x2 for Paired-End)
200 Single End or 100x100 Paired-End $2,245
300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End $2,620
500 Single End or 250x250 Paired-End $3,510
NovaSeqS1 100 Single End or 50x50 Paired-End 1 lane $2,920 ~1.3–1.6 billion reads per flowcell
~650–800 million reads per lane
(x2 for Paired-End)
200 Single End or 100x100 Paired-End $3,730
300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End $4,065
NovaSeqS2 100 Single End or 50x50 Paired-End 1 lane $5,200 ~3.3–4.1 billion reads per flowcell
~1.65-2.05 billion reads per lane
(x2 for Paired-End)
200 Single End or 100x100 Paired-End $6,480
300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End $6,750
NovaSeqS4 50 Single End 1 lane $3,780 ~8-10 billion reads per flowcell
~2-2.5 billion reads per lane
(x2 for Paired-End)
300 Single End or 150x150 Paired-End $5,400

Element AVITI

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
150 Single End or 75x75 Paired End Lane $1,000 400 million reads
300 Single End or 150x150 Paired End Lane $1,375 400 million reads
300x300 Paired End Flowcell $3,500 300 million reads

Illumina MiSeq

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
MiSeq v2 70 Single End or 30x30 Paired End Flowcell $1,320 10 million reads
MiSeq v3 150 Single End or 75x75 Paired End Flowcell $1,430 20 million reads
MiSeq v2 300 Single End or 150x150 Paired End Flowcell $1,595 10 million reads
MiSeq v2 500 Single End or 250x250 Paired End Flowcell $1,760 10 million reads
MiSeq v3 600 Single End or 300x300 Paired End Flowcell $2,200 20 million reads

Long Read

Nanopore (P2 Solo/promethION)

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
Nanopore Flowcell $1200 Upto 50 to 70GB data per flow cell


Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
Pacbio SMRTCell 25 Million Run $2900 Around 6 million reads, outsourcing to sister facilities to enable access to the REVIO

RNA Library Prep

Standard (Manual)

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
IDT xGen RNA, Std or Rapid (formerly Swift), samples 1-12 Sample $200
IDT xGen RNA, Std or Rapid (formerly Swift), samples 13+ Sample $150
Watchmaker QiaSeq FastSelect Ribodepletion, samples 1-12 Sample $200
Watchmaker QiaSeq FastSelect Ribodepletion, samples 13+ Sample $150
Watchmaker mRNA, samples 1-12 Sample $150
Watchmaker mRNA, samples 13+ Sample $100
Agilent SureSelect All Exon Sample $650
NEBNext Small RNA Sample $200

Low Input (Manual)

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
Clontech SMARTer UltraLow RNA w/ NexteraXT Sample $300

Highthroughput (96 well Plate Based)

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
HT mRNA library prep (IDT xGen RNA) 48 Samples $3600 Samples should be pre-aliquoted (in Eppendorf twin.tec semi-skirted 96 well plate), normalized (100 and 500 ng total), in a volume of 50 ul.

Intake QC or quantification only by special arrangement at an additional charge. please inquire if needed.

Libraries are pooled by FA quantification, expect variation in read balancing. 

49-72 samples $5400
96 samples $7200

Single Cell (10X and others)

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
10X Single Cell 3’ GEX sample $2560
10X Single Cell 5’ GEX sample $2560
10X VDJ Add-on sample $230 Can be added onto the 10X 5' GEX Only
10X CRISPR Add-on sample $280 Can be added onto the 10X 5' GEX Only
10X Antibody/CellPlex/MultiSeq Add-on sample $140
10X Multiome Assay (ATAC + 3') sample $4200
10X Flex (Fixed Cell) sample $2800 Human and Mouse Only
Plexwell Rapid Single Cell - one 96 well plate 96 well plate $5060 1 cell per well
Plexwell Rapid Single Cell - 1 of 4 96 well plates 96 well plate $3800 1 cell per well

DNA Library Prep

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
Nextera gDNA (Genomic, ATAC-Seq) sample $200 "Tagmentation" prep from intact gDNA (50ng)
Illumina DNA Prep (Genomic) sample $200 Genomic DNA >100ng

RNA Isolation

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
RNA-miRNeasy Total RNA Isolation sample $100
RNA - MagMax mirVana RNA Isolation sample $30
RNA - Direct-zol™-96 MagBead RNA Isolation sample $30

Quality Control

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
Bioanalyzer/Fragment Analyzer 1 to 20 Samples $15 Sizing and purity analysis
Fragment Analyzer (half 96 well plate) 20 to 48 Samples $300 Sizing and purity analysis
Fragment Analyzer (Full 96 well plate) 49+ Samples $500 Sizing and purity analysis
qPCR Sample $25 Quantification
Sample Multiplexing Sample $10 Mixing samples for multiplex run

Bioanalyzer - RNA, DNA and Protein analysis

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
RNA or DNA Sample $15 Pico, Nano, DNA or hsDNA

Quantitative PCR - QuantStudio 6

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
SYBR green / Taq Man Master mix uL 7 cents -
Optical Plate Plate $7 -
Equipment Time (2 hour time block) Plate $50 Sign-up Required

Digital PCR

Item Unit Price Per Unit Notes
Equipment Time (2 hour time block) Plate $50 Sign-up Required